†Pseudophlegethontia Anderson, 2003 †Phlegethontia Cope, 1871b †Aornerpeton Lund, 1978 †Pseudophlegethontia turnbullorum Anderson, 2003 †Phlegethontia mazonensis Gregory, 1948; Turnbull & Turnbull, 1955 †Phlegethontia sp. cf. Phlegethontia longissima Fritsch, 1883; McGinnis, 1967 †Aornerpeton mazonensis (Gregory) Lund, 1978 "Turnbull aïstopod" Anderson, 2001 †Pseudophlegethontia turnbullorum Anderson, 2003
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Anderson, J. S., 2003: A new aïstopod (Tetrapoda: Lepospondyli) from Mazon Creek, Illinois.
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