Selected publications by Mats Gyllenberg

  1. Gyllenberg, M.: A note on continuous dependence of solutions of Volterra integral equations, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 81 (1981), 546-548.
  2. Gyllenberg, M. and Salonen, E-M.: Three paradoxes in mechanics, Journal of Structural Mechanics 14 (1981), 36-43.

  3. 1982

  4. Gyllenberg, M.: Nonlinear age-dependent population dynamics in continuously propagated bacterial cultures, Math. Biosci. 62 (1982), 45-74.

  5. 1983

  6. Gyllenberg, M.: Stability of a nonlinear age-dependent population model containing a control variable, SIAM J. Appl. Math. 43 (1983), 1418-1438.

  7. 1984

  8. Gyllenberg, M.: An age-dependent population model with applications to microbial growth processes, in Modelling of patterns in space and time, W. Jäger and J.D. Murray (Eds.), Springer Lecture Notes in Biomathematics, 55 (1984), 87-102.
  9. Gyllenberg, M., Isomäki, H. and Salonen, E-M.: On the law of the parallelogram of forces, Int. J. Mech. Eng. Educ. 12 (1984), 115-118.

  10. 1985

  11. Gyllenberg, M.: The age structure of populations of cells reproducing by asymmetric division, in Mathematics in biology and medicine, V. Capasso, E. Grosso and S.L. Paveri-Fontana (Eds.), Springer Lecture Notes in Biomathematics 57 (1985), 320-327.
  12. Gyllenberg, M.: A functional partial differential equation of hyperbolic type modelling cell growth and division, Proceedings of the 11th IMACS world congress on system simulation and scientific computation. Oslo (1985), Vol 1, 91-94.

  13. 1986

  14. Gyllenberg, M.: The size and scar distributions of the yeast Saccharomyces cervisiae, J. Math. Biol. 24 (1986), 81-101.

  15. 1987

  16. Clément, Ph., Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., Heijmans, H.J.A.M., Thieme,H.R.: Perturbation theory for dual semigroups. I. The sun-reflexive case, Math. Ann. 277 (1987), 709-725.
  17. Gyllenberg, M.: Dynamics of structured populations, Helsinki University of Technology, Institute of Mechanics, 23 (1987)
  18. Gyllenberg, M. and Heijmans, H.J.A.M.: An abstract delay-differential equation modelling size dependent cell growth and division, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 18 (1987), 74-88.
  19. Gyllenberg,M and Webb, G.F.: Age-size structure in populations with quiescence, Math. Biosci. 86 (1987), 67-95.

  20. 1988

  21. Clément, Ph., Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., Heijmans, H.J.A.M., Thieme,H.R.: Perturbation theory for dual semigroups. II. Time-dependent perturbations in the sun-reflexive case, Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh 109A (1988), 145-172.
  22. Gyllenberg, M.: Mathematical modelling of screening for breast cancer, in Mastology 88, L. Ionnidou-Mouzaka, M. Philippakis, P. Angelikis (Eds.), Elsevier, Amsterdam (1988), 79-84.
  23. Gyllenberg, M.: A mathematical model for the age-size-distribution of firms, Chalmers University of Tecnology, CIM-WP 19888-01
  24. Gyllenberg, M. and Gästrin, G.: A patient-age, tumour-size structured model for detection and mortality of female breast cancer, Proceedings of the 12th IMACS world congress on scientific computation, Paris (1988) Vol 4, 109-112.

  25. 1989

  26. Clément, Ph., Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., Heijmans, H.J.A.M., Thieme,H.R.: Perturbation theory for dual semigroups III. Nonlinear Lipschitz continuous perturbations in the sun reflexive case. in Proceedings of the Conference on Volterra integro-differential equations in Banach spaces and applications, Trento 1987, G. Da Prato and M. Iannelli (Eds.), Pitman research Notes in Mathematics Series 190 (1989), 67-89.
  27. Clément, Ph., Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., Heijmans, H.J.A.M., Thieme,H.R.: Perturbation theory for dual semigroups IV. The intertwining formula and the canonical pairing., in Trends in semigroup theory and applications, Ph. Clément, S. Invernizzi, E. Mi tidieri, I.I. Vrabie (Eds.), Marcel Dekker. (1989), 95-116.
  28. Clément, Ph., Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., Heijmans, H.J.A.M., Thieme, H.R.: A Hille-Yosida theorem for a class of weakly * continuous semigroups, Semigroup Forum, 38 (1989), 157-178.
  29. Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., Heijmans, H.J.A.M.: When are two C0-semigroups related by a bounded perturbation? , in Trends in semigroup theory and applications, Ph. Clément, S. Invernizzi, E. Mitidieri, I.I. Vrabie (Eds.), Marcel Dekker (1989), 153-162.
  30. Gyllenberg, M.: Screening for breast cancer - a structured population approach, in IMACS Transactions on Scientific Computation 1988, Vol 5. Biomedical systems modelling and simulation, J. Eisenfeld and D.L. Levine (Eds.), Balzer, Basel (1989), 35-42.
  31. Gyllenberg,M and Webb, G.F.: Quiescence as an explanation of Gompertzian tumor growth, Growth, Development and Aging, 53 (1989), 25-33.

  32. 1990

  33. Gyllenberg,M and Webb, G.F.: A nonlinear structured cell population model of tumor growth with quiescence, J. Math. Biol. 28 (1990), 671-694.

  34. 1991

  35. Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg,M, Thieme, H.R.: Perturbation theory for dual semigroups. V. Variation of constants formulas., in Semigroup Theory and Evolution Equations, Ph. Clément, E. Mitidieri, and B. de Pagter (Eds.), Marcel Dekker, (1991), 107 - 123.
  36. Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg,M, Thieme, H.R.: Semigroups and renewal equations on dual Banach spaces with applications to population dynamics, in Delay differential equations and dynamical systems, S. Busenberg and M. Martelli (Eds.). Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1475 (1991), 116 - 129.
  37. Gyllenberg,M and Webb, G.F.: Quiescence in structured population dynamics: Applications to tumor growth, in Mathematical Population Dynamics, O. Arino, D. Axelrod, M. Kimmel (Eds.), Marcel Dekker, (1991), 45-62.

  38. 1992

  39. Gyllenberg, M. and Hanski, I.: Single-Species Metapopulation Dynamics: A structured model, Theor. Pop. Biol. 42 (1992), 35-62.
  40. Gyllenberg, M. and Webb, G.F.: Asynchronous exponential growth of semigroups of nonlinear operators, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 167 ( 1992), 443-467.
  41. Oksanen, T., Oksanen, L., and Gyllenberg, M.: Exploatation ecosystems in heterogenous habitat complexes II: Impact of small-scale heterogeneity on predator prey dynamics, Evolutionary Ecology, 6 (1992), 383-398.

  42. 1993

  43. Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., Metz, J.A.J. & Thieme, H.R 1993: The "cumulative" formulation of (physiologically) structured population models, in Evolution Equations, Control Theory and Biomathematics, Ph. Clement & G. Lumer (eds), Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 145-154.
  44. Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M. & Thieme, H.R 1993: Perturbing semigroups by solving Stieltjes renewal equations, Differential and Integral Equations 6:155 181.
  45. Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M. & Thieme, H.R 1993: Perturbing evolutionary systems by cumulative outputs and step responses, Lulea University of Technology, Department of Applied Mathematics, Research Report 1993 04, ISRN HLU-TMAT-RES--93/4--SE.
  46. Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., Thieme, H.R, Verduyn Lunel, S.M. 1993: A cell-cycle model revisited, Centrum for Wiskunde en Informatica, Report AM-R9305
  47. Gyllenberg, M. 1993: Does time lag of nutrient utilization justify Monod's model of bacterial growth?, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 55:487-489.
  48. Gyllenberg, M., Gyllenberg, H.G., Koski, T. & Schindler, J. 1993: Nonuniqueness of numerical taxonomic structures, Binary 5:138- 144.
  49. Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T. & Verlaan, M. 1993: On quantization of binary vectors using stochastic complexity, in Proceedings of the Sixth Joint Swedish-Russian International Workshop on Information Theory, Molle 1993, L. Mansson (ed.), Student litteratur, Lund, pp. 240 244.
  50. Gyllenberg, M., Söderbacka, G. & Ericsson, S. 1993: Does migration stabilize local population dynamics? Analysis of a discrete metapopulation model, Mathematical Biosciences 118: 25-49.
  51. Hanski, I. & Gyllenberg, M. 1993: Two general metapopulation models and the core-satellite species hypothesis, American Naturalist 142: 17-41.

  52. 1994

  53. Gyllenberg, M. 1994: Matematiikka luonnontieteiden kielenä (English Summary: Mathematics as the language of science), Arkhimedes 3:230-238.
  54. Gyllenberg, M. & Persson, L.E. (eds) 1994: Analysis, Algebra and Computers in Mathematics, Proceedings of the 21st nordic Congress of Mathematicians, Marcel Dekker, New York-Basel-Hong Kong, 408 p.
  55. Gyllenberg, M. & Silvestrov, D.S. 1994: Quasistationary distributions of a stochastic metapopulation model, J. Math. Biol. 33:35-70.
  56. Gyllenberg, M., Högnäs, G. & Koski, T. 1994: Population models with environmental stochasticity, J. Math. Biol. 32:93-108.
  57. Gyllenberg, M., Högnäs, G. & Koski, T. 1994: Null recurrence in a stochastic Ricker model, in Analysis, Algebra and Computers in Mathematics. Proceedings of the 21th Nordic Congress of Mathematicians, Gyllenberg, M. & Persson, L.E. (eds), Marcel Dekker, New York - Basel - Hong Kong, pp. 147-166.
  58. Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T., Reilink, E., & Verlaan, M. 1994: Nonuniqueness in probabilistic numerical identification of bacteria, J. Appl. Probability 31:542-548.
  59. Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T. and Verlaan, M: Clustering and Quantization of Binary Vectors Using Stochastic Complexity, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, (1994), p. 390.

  60. 1995

  61. Diekmann, O. Gyllenberg, M., and Thieme, H.R.: Perturbing evolutionary systems by cumulative outputs and step responses, Differential and Integral Equations, 8 (1995), 1205-1244.
  62. Gyllenberg, M. and Koski, T.: A taxonomic associative memory based on neural computation, Binary 7 (1995), 61-66.
  63. Gyllenberg, M. and Koski, T. (Editors): The Future of Numerical Taxonomy, Special Issue of Binary, Binary 7 (1995), 29-76.
  64. Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T. and Lahti, T.: Associativ memories for clusters of binary vectors using MATLABTM Neural Network Toolbox, Proceedings of Nordic MATLAB Conference '95, Lars Langemyr (Ed.), Comsol, Stockholm, 1995 Vol. II, pp. 49-54.

  65. 1996

  66. Gyllenberg, M. and Koski, T.: Numerical Taxonomy and the Principle of Maximum Entropy, Journal of Classification 13 (1996) 213 - 229.
  67. Gyllenberg, M. and Koski, T.: Posterior predictive distributions and maximal predictiveness for classification of multivariate binary data, Department of Mathematics, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, TRITA-MAT-1996-MS-01.
  68. Gyllenberg, M., Hanski, I. and Lindström, T.: A predator-prey model with optimal suppression of reproduction in the prey, Math. Biosci., 134 (1996) 119-152.
  69. Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T., Reilink E. and Verlaan, M.: Probabilistic aspects of numerical identification in microbiology, in Frontiers in Pure and Applied Probability, Shiryaev, A.N, Melnikov, A.V., Niemi, H. and Valkeila, E. (Eds.), Moscow: TVP Science Publishers, (1996), 67 - 78.
  70. Gyllenberg, M., Osipov, A.V. and Söderbacka, G.: Bifurcation analysis of a metapopulation model with sources and sinks, J. Nonlinear Science 6 (1996), 329- 366.
  71. Hanski, I., Moilanen, A. and Gyllenberg M.: Minimum viable metapopulation size, American Naturalist, 147 (1996), 527 - 541.

  72. 1997

  73. Gyllenberg, M. and Koski, T.: On predictive classifications of binary vectors, Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida (1997), 239 - 242.
  74. Gyllenberg, M. and Silvestrov, D.S.: Exponential asymptotics for perturbed renewal equations and pseudo-stationary phenomena for stochastic systems, UmeÎ University, Department of Mathematical Statistics, Research Report 3 (1997) ISSN 1401-730X.
  75. Gyllenberg, H.G., Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T., Lund, T., Schindler, J., and Verlaan, M.: Classification of Enterobacteriaceae by minimization of stochastic complexity, Microbiology, 143 (1997) 721-732.
  76. Gyllenberg, M., Hanski, I. and Hastings, A.: Structured metapopulation models, in Metapopulation dynamics: Ecology, genetics and evolution (I. Hanski and M. Gilpin, eds.), Academic Press, London, (1997), 93-122.
  77. Gyllenberg, M., Hanski, I. and Lindström T.: Continuous versus discrete single species population models, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 59 (1997) 679-705.
  78. Gyllenberg M. and Hanski, I.: Habitat deterioration, habitat destruction and metapopulation persistence in a heterogeneous landscape, Theor. Pop. Biol., 52 (1997) 198 - 215.
  79. Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T. and Verlaan, M.: Classification of binary vectors by stochastic complexity, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 63 (1997) 47-72.
  80. Gyllenberg, M., Osipov A.V., and Söderbacka, G.: Effekt sohraneniya attraktora pri dvumernom vozmushchenii, Differentialnye Uravneniya, 33 (1997) 859 - 860. English translation in Differential Equations
  81. Hanski, I. and Gyllenberg, M.: Uniting two general patterns in the distribution of species, Science 275 (1997) 397 - 400.

  82. 1998

  83. Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., Metz, J.A.J. and Thieme, H.R.: On the formulation and analysis of general deterministic structured population models. I. Linear theory,  Journal of Mathematical Biology, 36 (1998) 349 - 388.
  84. Gyllenberg, M. and Koski, T.: Posterior predictive distributions for classification of multivariate binary data, University of Turku, Institute of Applied Mathematics, Research Reports A21 (1998).
  85. Gyllenberg, M. and Silvestrov, D.S.: Quasi-stationary phenomena in semi-Markov models, Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Semi-Markov Models: Theory and Applications, J. Janssen and N. Limnios (Eds.), Université de Technologie de Compiègne (1998) pp. 87 - 93.
  86. Gyllenberg, H.G., Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T., and Lund, T.: Stochastic complexity as a taxonomic tool, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 56 (1998),11-22.
  87. Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T. and Lund, T.: Applications of machine learning to microbial taxonomy (in Finnish), Tietojenkäsittelytiede (Journal of the Finnish Society for Computer Science), December (1998) 23 - 24.
  88. Persson, L., Leonardsson, K., de Roos, A., Gyllenberg, M. and Christensen, B.: Ontogenetic Scaling of Foraging Rates and the Dynamics of a Size-Structured Consumer-Resource Model, Theor. Pop. Biol., 54 (1998), 270 - 293.

  89. 1999

  90. Agur, S., Cushing, J., Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., Heesterbeek, H., Jagers, P., Kimmel, M., Kostova, T. and Milner, F. (Editors): Epidemiology, Cellular Automata, and Evolution. Special issue of Mathematical Biosciences 156 (1999) No. 1 - 2, pp. i - viii, 1 - 342.
  91. Agur, S., Cushing, J., Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., Heesterbeek, H., Jagers, P., Kimmel, M., Kostova, T. and Milner, F. (Editors): Deterministic Models with Applications in Population Dynamics and Other Fields of Biology. Special issue of Mathematical Biosciences 157 (1999) No. 1 - 2, pp. i - viii, 1 - 372.
  92. Aittokallio, T., Gyllenberg, M., Kuusela, T., Hietarinta, J., and Multamäki, T.: Improving the false nearest neighbors method with graphical analysis, Physical Review E, 60 (1999) 416-421.
  93. Gyllenberg, H.G., Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T., Lund, T. and Schindler, J.: An assessment of cumulative classification, Quantitative Microbiology. 1 (1999) 7-27.
  94. Gyllenberg, H.G., Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T., Lund, T., and Schindler, J.: Enterobacteriaceae taxonomy approached by minimization of stochastic complexity, Quantitative Microbiology 1 (1999) 157-170.
  95. Gyllenberg, H.G., Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T., Lund, T., Mannila, H. and Meek, C.: Singling out ill-fit items in a classification. Application to the taxonomy of Enterobacteriaceae, Archives of Control Sciences, 9 (1999) 97-105.
  96. Gyllenberg, M., Hemminki, J., and Tammaru, T.: Allee effects can both conserve and create spatial heterogeneity in population densities, Theor. Pop. Biol., 56 (1999), 231-242.
  97. Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T., Lund, T., and Gyllenberg, H.G: Bayesian predictive identification and cumulative classification of bacteria, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 61 (1999) 85 -111.
  98. Gyllenberg, M. and Osipov A.V.: Predelnye cikly v dvumernoj zadache Maya, Differentialnye Uravneniya, 35 (1999) 733-737. English translation: Limit cycles in the two-dimensional May problem, Differential Equations 35 (1999) 733-738.
  99. Gyllenberg, M. and Osipov A.V.: Tipy dinamicheskogo povedniya v modeli Hanski-Hentonena, Differentialnye Uravneniya, 35 (1999) 882 - 888. English translation: Types of dynamic behavior in the Hanski-Henttonen model, Differential Equations 35 (1999) 888-895.
  100. Gyllenberg, M. and Silvestrov, D.S.: Quasi-stationary phenomena for semi-Markov processes, Ch. 3 in Semi-Markov Models and Applications, J. Janssen and N. Limnios (Eds.), pp. 33 - 60, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. (1999).
  101. Gyllenberg, M. and Silvestrov, D.S.: Cramér-Lundberg and diffusion approximations for nonlinearly perturbed risk processes including numerical computation of ruin probabilities, Theor. Stoch. Proc. 5(21) (1999), 6 - 21.

  102. 2000

  103. Aittokallio, T., Gyllenberg, M., Järvi, J., Nevalainen, O. and Polo, O.: Detection of high-frequency respiratory movements during sleep, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 61 (2000), 171 - 185.
  104. Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M. and Thieme, H.R.: Lack of Uniqueness in Transport Equations with a Nonlocal Nonlinearity, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 10 (2000) 581 - 592.
  105. Fränti, P., Gyllenberg, H.G., Gyllenberg, M., Kivijärvi, J., Koski, T., Lund, T., and Nevalainen, O.: Minimizing stochastic complexity using local search and GLA with applications to classification of bacteria, BioSystems, 57 (2000) 37-48.
  106. Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T., and Lund, T.: Applying the EM-algorithm to classification of bacteria, In F. Naghdy, F. Kurfess, H. Ogata, E. Szczerbicki, H. Bother and H. Tlanfield (Eds.): Proceedings of the International ICSC Congress on Intelligent Systems and Applications, Vol. 2, pp. 65-71 (2000)
  107. Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T., Lund, T., and Nevalainen, O.: Clustering by adaptive local search with multiple search operators, Pattern Analysis and Applications 3 (2000) 348-357.
  108. Gyllenberg, M. , Koski, T., Lund, T. and Nevalainen, O.: On self-adaptation in multioperator local search, In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering Systems and Allied Technologies, Vol.1, R.J. Howlett and L.C. Jain (Eds.), pp. 181-184, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Brighton, UK, 2000.
  109. Gyllenberg, M. and Sigmund, K.: The Fibonacci chimney, The Mathematical Intelligencer, 22 (2000) 46.
  110. Gyllenberg, M. and Silvestrov, D.S.: Nonlinearly perturbed regenerative processes and pseudo-stationary phenomena for stochastic systems, Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, 86 (2000) 1-27.
  111. Gyllenberg, M. and Silvestrov, D.S.: Cramér-Lundberg Approximation for Nonlinearly Perturbed Risk Processes, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 26 (2000) 75-90.
  112. Noykova, N. and Gyllenberg, M.: Sensitivity analysis and paramter estimation in a model of anaerobic waste water treatment with substrate inhibition, Bioprocess Engineering, 23 (2000) 343 -349.

  113. 2001

  114. Aittokallio, T., Gyllenberg, M. and Polo, O.: A model of a snorer's upper airway, Mathematical Biosciences, 170 (2001) 79-90.
  115. Aittokallio, T., Gyllenberg, M., Nevalainen, O., and Polo, O.: Testing for periodicity in signals: an application to detect partial upper airway obstruction during sleep, Journal of Theoretical Medicine3 (2001) 231-245.
  116. Alvarez, L.H.R., Gyllenberg, M., and Shepp, L.A.: Optimal harvesting in the presence of density dependent extinction probabilities, TUCS Technical Report 431 (2001) 1-25.
  117. Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., Huang, H., Kirkilionis, M., Metz, J.A.J., Thieme, H.R.:On the formulation and analysis of general deterministic structured population models. II. Nonlinear theory, Journal of Mathematical Biology 43 (2001) 157-189.
  118. Gyllenberg, H.G., Gyllenberg, M., and Koski, T.: Sense in microbial taxonomy: Minimization of stochastic complexity as an objective taxonomic tool, Recent Research Developments in Microbiology, 5 (2001) 211-221.
  119. Gyllenberg M. and Parvinen,K.: Necessary and sufficient conditions for evolutionary suicide, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 63 (2001) 981-993
  120. Gyllenberg, M. and Koski, T.: Probabilistic Models for Bacterial Taxonomy, International Statistical Review, 69 (2001) 249-276.
  121. Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T., and Lund, T.: BinClass: A Software Package for Classifying Binary Vectors. User's Guide. TUCS Technical Report 411 (2001)
  122. Gyllenberg M. and Metz, J.A.J.: On fitness in structured metapopulations, Journal of Mathematical Biology 43 (2001) 545-560.
  123. Gyllenberg, M. and Yan Ping: On a conjecture by Yang, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 264 (2001) 687-690.
  124. Johnson, M.S., Lehtonen, J., Still, D-J., Rantanen, V-V., and Gyllenberg, M.: BODIL: a Molecular Modeling Environment for Structure-Function Analysis and Drug Discovery-Made in Finland, Tietoyhteys 4 (2001) 12-13.
  125. Metz, J.A.J. and Gyllenberg, M.: How should we define fitness in structured metapopulation models? Including an application to the calculation of evolutionarily stable dispersal strategies, Proc. R. Soc. London B. 268 (2001) 499 - 508.
  126. Noykova, N., Müller, T.G., Gyllenberg, M., and Timmer, J.: Identifiability problems in a mathematical model of anaerobic digestion, In: V. Sgurev, K. Boyanon and M. Hadjiski (Eds.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Automatics and Informatics, Sofia, Bulgaria, May 31 - June 2, 2001, Union of Automation and Informatics, Sofia Bulgaria, 2001. pp. 37-40.
  127. Rantanen, V-V., Denessiouk, K.A., Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T., and Johnson, M.: A fragment library based on Gaussian mixtures predicting favorable molecular interactions, Journal of Molecular Biology, 313 (2001) 197-214.

  128. 2002

  129. Aittokallio, T., Gyllenberg, M., and Polo, O.: Adjustment of human respiratory system to increased upper airway resistance during sleep, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. 64 (2002) 3-28 .
  130. Geritz, S. A. H., Gyllenberg, M., Jacobs, F. J. A., and Parvinen, K.: Invasion dynamics and attractor inheritance, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 44 (2002) 548-560.
  131. Gyllenberg, M. and Koski, T.: Bayesian Predictiveness, Exchangeability and Sufficientness in Bacterial Taxonomy, Mathematical Biosciences, 177-178 (2002) 161-184.
  132. Gyllenberg, M. and Koski, T.: Tree augmented classification of binary data minimizing stochastic complexity, University of LInköping, LiTH-MAT-R-2002-04.
  133. Gyllenberg, M. Koski, T., Dawyndt, P., Lund, T., Thompson, F., Austin, B. and Swings,J.: New methods for the analysis of binarized BIOLOG GN data of Vibrio species: Minimization of stochastic complexity and cumulative classification, Systematic and Applied Microbiology , 25 (2002) 403-415.
  134. Gyllenberg, M., Osipov, A. and Päivärinta, L.: The inverse problem of age-structured population dynamics, Journal of Evolution Equations, 2 (2002) 223-239.
  135. Gyllenberg, M., Parvinen, K., and Dieckmann, U.: Evolutionary suicide and evolution of dispersal in structured metapopulations, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 45 (2002) 2, 79-105.
  136. Gyllenberg, M., Preoteasa, D., and Saikkonen, K.: Vertically transmitted symbionts in structured host metapopulations, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 64 (2002) 959-978.
  137. Gyllenberg, M. and Yan Ping: The Generalized Liénard Systems, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems -- Series A, 8 (2002) 1043-1057.
  138. Gyllenberg, M. and Wang, Y.: Dynamics of the Periodic Type-K Competitive Kolmogorov Systems, TUCS Technical Report 492 (2002).
  139. Matter, S.F., Hanski, I., and Gyllenberg, M.: A test of the metapopulation model of the species-area relationship, J. Biogeogr. 29 (2002) 977-983.
  140. Müller, T.G., Noykva, N., Gyllenberg, M., and Timmer, J.: Parameter identification in a dynamical model of anaerobic waste water treatment, Mathematical Biosciences, 177-178 (2002) 147-160.
  141. Noykova, N., Müller, T.G., Gyllenberg, M., and Timmer, J.: Qualitative analyses of anaerobic wastewater treatment processes: identifiability and parameter estimation, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 78 (2002) 89-103.
  142. Rantanen, V-V., Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T., and Johnson, M.S.: A dissimilarity matrix between protein atom classes based on Gaussian mixtures, Bioinformatics18 (2002) 1257-1263.
  143. Saikkonen, K., Ion, D., and Gyllenberg, M.: The persistence of fungal endophytes in grass metapopulations, Proc. R. Soc. London B., 269 (2002) 1397-1403.

  144. 2003

  145. Aittokallio, T., Gyllenberg, M., Saaresranta, T., and Polo, O.: Prediction of inspiratory flow shapes during sleep with a mathematical model of upper airway forces, SLEEP, 26 (2003), 857-63.
  146. Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M. and Metz, J.A.J.: Steady state analysis of structured population models, Theoretical Population biology, 63 (2003) 309-338.
  147. Gyllenberg, M., Carlsson, J. and Koski, T.: Bayesian Network Classification of Binarized DNA Fingerprinting Patterns, In: V. Capasso (Ed.): Mathematical Modelling and Computing in Biology and Medicine, Progetto Leonardo, Bologna, 2003, pp. 60-66.
  148. Gyllenberg, M., Jacobs, F.J.A. and Metz, J.A.J.:On the Concept of Attractor for Community-Dynamical Processes. II: The Case of Structured Populations, Journal of Mathematical Biology,, 47 (2003) 235-248.
  149. Gyllenberg, M., Osipov, A. and Päivärinta, L.: On determining individual behaviour from population data, in Function Spaces, Differential Operators, Nonlinear Analysis. The Hans Triebel Anniversary Volume, D. Haroske, T. Runst and H.-J. Schmeisser (Eds.), Birkhäuser, Basel (2003) pp. 329-339.
  150. Parvinen, K., Dieckmann, U., Gyllenberg, M., and Metz, J.A.J.: Evolution of dispersal in metapopulations with local density dependence and demographic stochasticity, Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 16 (2003) 143-153.
  151. Rantanen, V-V., Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T., and Johnson, M.S.: A Bayesian molecular interaction library, Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design, 17 (2003) 435-461.

  152. 2004

  153. Austin, B., Dawyndt, P., Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T., Lund, T., Swings, J., Thompson, F.L.: Sliding window discretization: A new method for multiple band matching of bacterial genotyping fingerprints, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 66 (2004) 1575-1596.
  154. Gyllenberg, M., Hanski, I, and Metz, J.A.J.: Spatial dimensions of population viability, In Evolutionary Conservation Biology, R. Ferrière, U. Dieckmann and D. Couvet (Eds.), Cambridge University Press, 2004, pp. 59-80.
  155. Gyllenberg, M., Ping Yan, and Jifa Jiang: The qualitative behavior of a second order system with zero diagonal coefficient, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 291 (2004) 322-340.
  156. Gyllenberg, M. and Yi Wang: Dynamics of the periodic type-K competitive Kolmogorov systems, Journal of Differential Equations , 205 (2004) 50-76.
  157. Gyllenberg, M. , Yi Wang and Jifa Jiang: Asymptotic spatial homogeneity in a class of periodic quasimonotone reaction-diffusion systems with a first integral, Nonlinear Analysis 59 (2004) 235--244 .
  158. Kisdi, E. and Gyllenberg, M.: On some misconceptions about adaptive dynamics, Turku Centre for Computer Science, TUCS Technical Report 264 (2004).
  159. Lehtonen, J.V., Still, D-J., Rantanen, V-V., Ekholm, J., Björklund, D., Iftikhar, Z., Huhtala, M., Jussila,A., Jaakkola, J., Pentikäinen, O., Nyrönen, T., Salminen, T., Gyllenberg, M., and Johnson, M. S.: BODIL: a Molecular Modeling Environment for StructureFunction Analysis and Drug Discovery, Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design, 18 (2004) 401--419.

  160. 2005

  161. Dawyndt, P., Thompson, F.L., Austin, B., Swings, J., Koski, T., Gyllenberg, M.: Application of sliding window discretization and minimization of stochastic complexity for the analysisi of FAFLP genotyping fingerprint patterns of Vibrionaceae, International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 55 (2005) 57-66.
  162. Dawyndt, P., Swings, J., Austin, B., Koski, Thompson, F.L., Gyllenberg, M.: A complementary approach to systematics, Microbiology Today, February (2005) 38.
  163. Geritz, S.A.H. and Gyllenberg M.: Seven answers from adaptive dynamics, Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 18 (2005) 1174-1177.
  164. Gyllenberg, M.: Review of "Mathematics in population biology" by Horst R. Thieme, Matematical Biosciences 193 (2005) 13-18.
  165. Gyllenberg, M.: Review of "Differential equations and mathematical biology" by D.S. Jones and B.D. Sleeman, Matematical Biosciences 193 (2005) 19-24.
  166. Gyllenberg, M.: Metapopulations, in Branching Processes in Biology: Variation, Growth, Extinction, P. Haccou and P. Jagers (Eds.), Cambridge University Press (2005), pp. 249--265.
  167. Gyllenberg, M.: About citing and being cited (in Swedish: Om att citera och bli citerad), Arkhimedes, No 2. (2005), 35.
  168. Gyllenberg, M.: To publish or not to publish (in Swedish: Att publicera eller inte publicera), Arkhimedes, No 4. (2005), 31.
  169. Gyllenberg, M.: Sudoku (in Swedish), Arkhimedes, No 6. (2005), 31.
  170. Gyllenberg, M. and Jagers, P.: Branching processes and structured population dynamics, in Branching Processes in Biology: Variation, Growth, Extinction, P. Haccou and P. Jagers (Eds.), Cambridge University Press (2005), pp. 94--106.
  171. Gyllenberg, M. and Meszéna, G.: On the impossibility of coexistence of infinitely many strategies, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 50 (2005) 133-160.
  172. Gyllenberg, M. and Yi Wang: Periodic tridiagonal systems modeling competitive-cooperative ecological interactions, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-A, 5 (2005) 511--521.
  173. Kisdi, E. and Gyllenberg M.: Adaptive dynamics and the paradigm of diversity, Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 18 (2005) 1170-1173.
  174. Meszéna, G., Gyllenberg, M., Jacobs, F.J. and Metz, J.A.J.: Link between population dynamics and dynamics of Darwinian evolution, Physical Review Letters, 95 (2005) 078105.
  175. Rantanen, V-V., Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T., and Johnson, M.S.: A priori contact preferences in molecular recognition, Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 3 (2005) 861-890.

  176. 2006

  177. Aittokallio, T., Gyllenberg, M., Polo, O., Toivonen, J. and Virkki, A.: Model-based analysis of mechanisms responsible for sleep-induced carbon dioxide differences, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology , 68 (2006) 315-341.
  178. Corander, J., Gyllenberg, M. and Koski, T.: Bayesian model learning based on parallel MCMC strategy, Statistics and Computing, 16 (2006) 355-362.
  179. Geritz, S.A.H., Gyllenberg, M. and Yan Ping: Plant growth and the optimal sharing of photosynthetic products with a mycorrhizal symbiont, Evolutionary Ecology Research, 8 (2006) 677-590.
  180. Gyllenberg, M.: Stability and bifurcation analysis of models of physiologically structured populations, Oberwolfach Reports 3 (2006) 1450-1452.
  181. Gyllenberg, M.: The leaning tower of PISA (in Swedish: Det lutande tornet i PISA), Arkhimedes, No 2. (2006), 27.
  182. Gyllenberg, M.: Stupid design (in Swedish: Korkad formgivning), Arkhimedes, No 4. (2006), 31.
  183. Gyllenberg, M.: The tragedy of the commons (in Swedish: Allmänningens tragedi), Arkhimedes, No 6. (2006), 27.
  184. Gyllenberg, M., Lant, T. and Thieme, H.: Perturbing evolutionary systems on dual spaces by cumulative outputs, Differential and Integral Equations Volume 19 (2006), 401-436.
  185. Gyllenberg, M., Ping Yan and Yi Wang: A 3D competitive Lotka-Volterra system with three limit cycles: A falsification of a conjecture by Hofbauer and So, Applied Mathematics Letters 19 (2006) 1-7.
  186. Gyllenberg, M., Ping Yan and Yi Wang: Limit cycles for the competitor-competitor-mutualist Lotka-Volterra systems, Physica D 221 (2006) 135-145.
  187. Meszéna, G., Gyllenberg, M., Pásztor, L. and Metz, J.A.J.: Competitive exclusion and limiting similarity: a unified theory, Theoretical Population Biology 69 (2006) 68-87.
  188. Yan, Ping and Gyllenberg, M.: On a Conjecture of Qi-type Integral Inequalities, Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol 7, Issue 4, Article 146 (2006).
  189. Yan, Ping and Gyllenberg, M.: On an open problem of integral inequalities, Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 7, Issue 5, Article 170 (2006).

  190. 2007

  191. Aittokallio, T., Gyllenberg, M., Polo, O. and Virkki, A.: Parameter estimation of a gas exchange model from non-invasive carbon dioxide measurements during sleep, Mathematical Medicine and Biology: A Journal of the IMA, 24 (2007) 225-249.
  192. Corander, J., Gyllenberg, M. and Koski, T.: Random Partition models and Exchangeability for Bayesian Identication of Population Structure, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 69 (2007) 797-815.
  193. Diekmann, O., Getto, Ph. and Gyllenberg, M.: Stability and bifurcation analysis of Volterra functional equations in the light of suns and stars, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 39 (2007) 1023-1069.
  194. Diekmann, O. and Gyllenberg, M.: Abstract delay equations inspired by population dynamics, In Functional Analysis and Evolution Equations, H. Amann, W. Arendt, M. Hieber, F. Neubrander, S. Nicaise, J. von Below (Eds.), Birkhäuser (2007) pp. 187-200.
  195. Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M. and Metz, J.A.J.: Physiologically structured population models: Towards a general mathematical theory, In: Mathemathics for Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Y. Takeuchi, Y. Iwasa, K. Sato (Eds.), Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg (2007), 5-20.
  196. Fagerholm, H., Gyllenberg, M. and Högnäs, G.: Competition and invasion in stochastic population models, Abo Akademi, Reports on Computer Science & Mathematics, Ser. A, No 191 (2007).
  197. Gyllenberg, M.: Mathematical aspects of physiologically structured populations: The contributions of J.A.J. Metz, Journal of Biological Dynamics, 1 (2007), No. 1, 3-44.
  198. Gyllenberg, M.: The most mathematical language in the world (in Swedish: Världens matematiskaste språk), Arkhimedes, No 2. (2007), 35.
  199. Gyllenberg, M: Success stories in biomathematics (in Finnish: Biomatematiikan menestystarinoita), Arkhimedes, No 3. (2007), 26-28.
  200. Gyllenberg, M.: Where do we put the limit?(In Swedish: Var skall man dra gränsen?), Arkhimedes, No 4. (2007), 31.
  201. Gyllenberg, M.: Does modelling of complex biological systems require new types of mathematics? In Systems Biology: a Grand Challenge for Europe, R. van Driel (Ed.), European Science Foundation, IREG, Strasbourg, pp. 16-19.
  202. Simeonov, I., Noykova, N., and Gyllenberg, M.: Identification and extremum seeking control of the anaerobic digestion of organic wastes, Cybernetics and Information Technologies, 7 (2007) 73-84.
  203. Virkki, A., Polo, Gyllenberg, M., Aittokallio, T.: Can carotoid body perfusion act as a respiratory controller?, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 249 (2007) 737-748.

  204. 2008

  205. Diekmann, O. and Gyllenberg, M.: The second half - with a quarter of a century delay, Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 3 (2008) 36-48.
  206. Gyllenberg, M.: Free access - for everyone (in Swedish: Fri tillgång - för alla), Yliopisto, No 3. (2008), 57.
  207. Gyllenberg, M.: Names, too, can be translated (in Swedish: Också namn kan översättas), Arkhimedes, No 2. (2008), 35.
  208. Gyllenberg, M.: Rolls and biographies (in Swedish: Matriklar och biografier), Arkhimedes, No 4. (2008), 35.
  209. Gyllenberg, M.: Evolutionary suicide, ERCIM News 73 (2008), 18.
  210. Gyllenberg, M.: A letter means so much... (in Swedish: Ett brev betyder så mycket...), Arkhimedes, No 6. (2008), 35.
  211. Gyllenberg, M., Kisdi, E. and Utz, M: Evolution of condition-dependent dispersal under kin competition, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 57 (2008) 285-307
  212. Gyllenberg, M. and Silvestrov, D.S.: Quasi-Stationary Phenomena in Nonlinearly Perturbed Stochastic Systems, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin - New York, 2008. 579+ix pages.
  213. Nurmi, T., Geritz, S., Parvinen, K. and Gyllenberg, M.: Evolution of specialization on resource utilization in structured metapopulations, Journal of Biological Dynamics, 3 (2008) 297-322.
  214. Virkki, A., Polo, O., Saaresranta, T., Laapotti-Salo, A., Gyllenberg, M., Aittokallio, T.: Overnight features of transcutaneous carbon dioxide measurement as predictors of individual metabolic status, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 42 (2008) 55-65.

  215. 2009

  216. Corander, J., Gyllenberg, M. and Koski, T.: Bayesian unsupervised classification framework based on stochastic partitions of data and a parallel search strategy, Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, 3 (2009) 217-243.
  217. Geritz, S.A.H., Gyllenberg, M. and Ondracek, P.: Evolution of density-dependent dispersal in a structured metapopulation, Mathematical Biosciences, 219 (2009) 142-148.
  218. Gyllenberg, M.: Equations with infinite delay, Oberwolfach Reports 6 (2009) 1350-1352.
  219. Gyllenberg, M.: Everyday mathematics (in Swedish: Vardagsmatematik), Yliopisto, No 2. (2009), 37.
  220. Gyllenberg, M.: The blackboard -- and the smartboard (in Swedish: Svarta tavlan -- och den smarta), Yliopisto, No 9. (2009), 54.
  221. Gyllenberg, M.: The herbarium contains much more than plants (in Swedish: Herbariet rymmer inte bara växter), Arkhimedes, No 4. (2009), 31.
  222. Gyllenberg, M., Langlais, M., Milner, F. (Eds.): Special issue: Mathematics in Biointeractions, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 258 (2009) 337-488.
  223. Gyllenberg, M., Preoteasa, D. and Yan, Ping: Ecology and evolution of symbiosis in metapopulations, Journal of Biological Dynamics, 3 (2009) 39-57.
  224. Gyllenberg, M. and Yan, Ping: On the number of limit cycles for three dimensional Lotka-Volterra systems, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - B 11 (2009) 347-352
  225. Gyllenberg, M. and Yan, Ping: New conditions for the intersection of orbits with the vertical isocline of the Liénard system, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 49 (2009) 906 - 911.
  226. Gyllenberg, M. and Yan, Ping: Four limit cycles for a three-dimensional competitive Lotka-Volterra system with a heteroclinic cycle, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 58 (2009) 649-669.
  227. Gyllenberg, M. and Yan, Ping: On a conjecture for three-dimensional competitive Lotka-Volterra systems with a heteroclinic cycle, Differential Equations and Applications, 1 (2009) 473-490.

  228. 2010

  229. Corander, J., Gyllenberg, M. and Koski, T.: Learning genetic population structures using minimization of stochastic complexity, Entropy, 12 (2010) 1102-1124.
  230. Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., Metz, J.A.J., Nakaoka, S., de Roos, A.M.: Daphnia revisited: local stability and bifurcation theory for physiologically structured population models explained by way of an example, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 61 (2010) 277-318. DOI: 10.1007/s00285-009-0299-y

  231. 2011

  232. Cao, Feng, Gyllenberg, M., and Wang, Yi: Asymptotic behavior of comparable skew-product semiflows with applications, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 103 (2011) 271 - 293.
  233. Eskola, H., Geritz, S. and Gyllenberg, M.: On the evolution of the timing of reproduction with non-equilibrium resident dynamics, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 73 (2011) 1312-1332.
  234. Gyllenberg, M. and Service, R.: Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of an optimisation principle in evolution, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 62 (2011) 359-369.
  235. Gyllenberg, M., Kisdi, E., and Utz, M.: Variability within families and the evolution of body condition dependent dispersal, Journal of Biological Dynamics 5 (2011) 191-211.
  236. Gyllenberg, M., Kisdi, E., and Utz, M.: Body Condition Dependent Dispersal in a Heterogeneous Environment, Theoretical Population Biology, 79 (2011) 139-154.
  237. Gyllenberg, M., Metz, J. A. and Service, R.: When do optimisation arguments make evolutionary sense? In The Mathematics of Darwins Legacy. Chalub, F.A.C.C and Rodrigues, J.R. (eds.), Birkhäuser, Springer Basel, (2011) 233 - 268.

  238. 2012

  239. Barabas, G., Pigolotti, S, Gyllenberg, M., Dieckmann, U., Meszena, G.: Continuous coexistence or discrete species? A new review of an old question, Evolutionary Ecology Research, 14 (2012) 523-554.
  240. Diekmann, O. and Gyllenberg, M.: Equations with infinite delay: blending the abstract and the concrete, Journal of Differential Equations, 252 (2012) 819-851, doi:10.1016/j.jde.2011.09.038.
  241. Geritz, S. and Gyllenberg, M.: A mechanistic derivation of the DeAngelis-Beddington functional response, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 314 (2012) 106-108. DOI: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2012.08.030
  242. Gyllenberg, M., Pasic, M., Rakotoson, J-M.: In honor of Professor Jesus Ildefonso Diaz on the occasion of his 60th birthday, Differential Equations and Applications 4 (2012) 1-2.
  243. Gyllenberg, M., Liu, X. and Yan, Ping: An eco-epidemiological model in two competing species, Differential Equations and Applications, 4 (2012) 495-519.
  244. Kisdi, E., Utz, M. and Gyllenberg, M.: Evolution of condition-dependent dispersal, in Dispersal and Spatial Evolutionary Ecology, Clobert, J., Baguette, M., Benton, T. and Bullock, J. (eds.). Oxford University Press, (2012), 139-151.

  245. 2013

  246. Aminoff, E.-I. and Gyllenberg, M.: A life in science and society - A bibliography of Helge Gyllenberg 1945-2013, Unigrafia Oy, Helsinki, 2013. 81 pages. ISBN 978-952-10-9678-5 (paperback), ISBN 978-952-10-9679-2 (PDF).
  247. Fang, Chun, Gyllenberg, Mats, and Wang, Yi: Floquet bundles for tridiagonal competitive-cooperative systems and the dynamics of time-recurrent systems, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 45 (2013) 2477-2498.
  248. Gyllenberg, M.: In honour of Odo Diekmann on the occasion of his 65th birthday, Journal of Mathematical Biology 66 (2013), 631-634 DOI: 10.1007/s00285-013-0641-2.
  249. Geritz, S. and Gyllenberg, M.: Group defence and the predator's functional response, Journal of Mathematical Biology 66 (2013) 705-717 DOI 10.1007/s00285-012-0617-7 .
  250. Numminen, E., Lu Cheng, L., Gyllenberg, M., Corander, J.: Estimating the transmission dynamics of Streptococcus pneumoniae from strain prevalence data, Biometrics 69 (2013) 748-757.

  251. 2014

  252. Geritz, S.A.H. and Gyllenberg, M.: The DeAngelis-Beddington functional response and the evolution of timidity of the prey, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 359 (2014) 37-44.

  253. 2015

  254. Fang, Chun, Gyllenberg, Mats, and Wang, Yi: Non-hyperbolic minimal sets for tridiagonal competitive-cooperative systems, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 143 (2015) 3063-3074, DOI:10.1090/S0002-9939-2015-12536-1.
  255. Fortelius, M., Geritz, S., Gyllenberg, M., Toivonen, J.: Adaptive dynamics on an environmental gradient that changes over a geological time-scale, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 376 (2015) 91-104.
  256. Fortelius, M., Geritz, S., Gyllenberg, M., Raia, P., Toivonen, J.: Modeling the population-level processes of biodiversity gain and loss at geological time scales, American Naturalist 186 (2015) 742–754.
  257. Priklopil, T., Kisdi, E., and Gyllenberg, M.: Evolutionarily stable mating decisions for sequentially searching females and the stability of reproductive isolation by assortative mating, Evolution 69 (2015) 1015-1026.

  258. 2016

  259. Breda, D., Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., Scarabel, F., and Vermiglio, R.: Pseudospectral discretization of nonlinear delay equations: new prospects for numerical bifurcation analysis, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 15 (2016) 1–23.
  260. Cao, Feng, Gyllenberg, Mats and Wang, Yi: Group Actions on Monotone Skew-Product Semiflows with Applications, Journal of the European Mathematical Society 18 (2016) 195-223.
  261. Gyllenberg, Mats, Kisdi, Eva, and Weigang, Helene C.:On the evolution of patch-type dependent immigration, Journal of Theoretical Biology 395 (2016) 115-125.

  262. 2017

  263. Gyllenberg, M.: Helge Gyllenberg - Minnestal hållet vid Finska Vetenskaps-Societetens sammanträde den 20 februari 2017, SPHINX Yearbook 2016 - 2017, Societas Scientiarum Fennica, Helsinki, (2017) 131 - 135.
  264. Gyllenberg, M., Hanski, I. and Lindström T.: Conditional reproductive strategies under variable environmental conditions, Annales Zoologici Fennici, 54 (2017) 193-204.

  265. 2018

  266. Carrillo, J.A. and Gyllenberg, M.: Year of Mathematical Biology 2018, European Communications in Mathematical and Theoretical Biology, 21 (2018) 14-15.
  267. Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., Metz, J.A.J.: Finite dimensional state representation of linear and nonlinear delay systems, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, 30 (2018)1439-1467.
  268. Geritz, S., Gyllenberg, M., and Toivonen, J.:Adaptive correlations between seed size and germination time, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 77 (2018) 1943-1968.
  269. Gyllenberg, M., Jiang, J., Niu, L. and Yan, P.: On the classification of generalized competitive Atkinson-Allen models via the dynamics on the boundary of the carrying simplex, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 38 (2018) 615-650.
  270. Gyllenberg, M., Scarabel, F. and Vermiglio, R.: Equations with infinite delay: numerical bifurcation analysis via pseudospectral discretization, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 333 (2018) 490-505.

  271. 2019

  272. Gyllenberg, M., Jiang, J., and Niu, L.: A note on global stability of three-dimensional Ricker models, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 25 (2019) 142-150.
  273. Gyllenberg, M., Jiang, J., Niu, L. and Yan, P.: On the dynamics of multi-species Ricker models admitting a carrying simplex, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 25 (2019) 1489-1530.
  274. Getto, Ph., Gyllenberg, M., Nakata, Y., and Scarabel, F.: Stability analysis of a state-dependent delay differential equation for cell maturation: Analytical and numerical methods. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 79 (2019) 281-328. DOI:10.1007/s00285-019-01357-0

  275. 2020

  276. Berardo, C., Geritz, S., Gyllenberg, M., Raoul, G.: Interactions between different predator-prey states: A method for the derivation of the functional and numerical response, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 80 (2020) 2431-2468.
  277. Diekmann, O., Gavrilets, S., Gyllenberg, M., Levin, S. Lewis, M.: Special issue of the Journal of Mathematical Biology to honor Alan Hastings' 65th birthday, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 80 (2020) 1-2.
  278. Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., Metz, J.A.J.:On models of physiologically structured populations and their reduction to ODEs, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 80 (2020) 189-204.
  279. Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., Metz, J.A.J.:Finite dimensional state representation of physiologically structured populations, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 80 (2020) 205-273.
  280. Gyllenberg, M., Jiang, J., Niu, L.: Chaotic attractors in the four-dimensional Leslie-Gower competition model, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 40 (2020)132186.
  281. Gyllenberg, M., Jiang, J., Niu, L.: Chaotic attractors in Atkinson-Allen model of four competing species, Journal of Biological Dynamics, 14 (2020) 440-453.
  282. Gyllenberg, M., Jiang, J., Niu, L., Yan, P.: Permanence and universal classification for discrete-time competitive systems via the carrying simplex, Discrete and continuous dynamical systems, 40 (2020) 1621-1663.
  283. Kisdi, Eva, Weigang, Helene C. and Gyllenberg, Mats: The Evolution of Immigration Strategies Facilitates Niche Expansion by Divergent Adaptation in a Structured Metapopulation Model, The American Naturalist, 195 (2020)1-15.

  284. 2021

  285. Scarabel, F., Breda, D., Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M. and Vermiglio, R.: Numerical bifurcation analysis of physiologically structured population models via pseudospectral approximation, Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, 49 (2021) 37-67.
  286. Franco, E., Gyllenberg, M., Diekmann, O.: One Dimensional Reduction of a Renewal Equation for a Measure-Valued Function of Time Describing Population Dynamics, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 175 (2021) 12.

  287. 2023

  288. Franco, E., Diekmann, O. Gyllenberg, M.: Modelling physiologically structured pop- ulations: renewal equations and partial differential equations, Journal of Evolution Equations, 23 (2023) 46.
  289. Gyllenberg,M: Olli Lehto — Muistopuhe Suomen Tiedeseuran kokouksessa 16. toukokuuta 2022, pp. 154-158 in J. Janhunen (ed.): SPHINX Yearbook 2022 - 2023, Societas Scientiarum Fennica, Helsinki 2023.
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