NEWS in June 16, 2011: I am a co-author in the new research methods textbook in print:
Wheeldon, J. & Ahlberg, M. 2011. Visualizing Social Science Research: Maps, Methods, & Meaning. Los Angeles: SAGE.
(ISBN: 9781412991049).
NEWS in November 7, 2011: A new number of Helsinki University Bulletin 5/11 has been released. On page 45, there is a news of my latest coauthored book: Wheeldon & Ahlberg (2012):
NATUREGATE® R&D and business program since 2006:
• NatureGate® R&D and Business Program was founded February 28, 2006 by Professor Mauri Åhlberg, Producer Eija Lehmuskallio and Nature Photographer Jouko Lehmuskallio. Since then it has continually developed and received plenty of international and national attention:
NEWS in October 17, 2011: Cooperation between the World Design Capital Helsinki 2012 and NatureGate has been published officially online:
• The Finnish Institute of Environment (SYKE), and Ministry of Environment:
• Finnair’s Blue Wings magazine has published a beautiful article of NatureGate The article is on pages 60 – 63. The fastest way to find it is to use pull-down menu on the top of the pages.
• Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG):
• Poster at the e-Biosphere 09 conference, June 1 – 3, 2009, London, UK. In the category: New Tools, Services and Standards for Data Management and Access,
• The University of Helsinki. 2009. LuontoPortti jatkaa Linnén opetustyötä 2000-luvulla: Ainutlaatuista verkkopalvelua kehitetään yhteistyössä Helsingin yliopiston kanssa. [NatureGate continues Linné’s teaching in 21st century: A unique online service being developed collaborating with the University of Helsinki.],
• NatureGate Online Magazine (Finnish version) was opened on September 10, 2009,
• Biostrat e-conference, September 2008 preceding EU Biostrath workshop, held at Cegléd, Hungary from the 25th – 27th September 2008. Publication: Grant, F., Török, K., Kull, T. & Watt, A. D. (Eds.) 2008. European Contribution to GEO BON. Report of the Biostrat e-conference, September 2008, (NatureGate on page 14.)
• Exellence Finland ( ) has rewarded NatureGate at Nov. 12th by the Quality Innovation Prize of the year 2009. The prize was presented by Tarja Halonen, President of Finland.
• NatureGate Online Service uses the method and system for object identification invented and patented by Eija and Jouko Lehmuskallio:
US Patent Office:
• NatureGate Online Service has a patent pending business process model METHOD AND SERVICE IN A PUBLIC NETWORK FOR DOING MUTUAL BUSINESS in USA:
• NatureGate Online Services is a member of EFQUEL (European Foundation for Quality in E-Learning) as (Mauri Ahlberg), Finland:
• Agreement for collaboration between NatureGate and Encyclopedia of Life ( ) has been signed in 2009.
• UN International Year of Biodiversity 2010 has published on its main site a success story of NatureGate,
• NatureGate was actively discussed on The e-Biosphere 09 International Conference on Biodiversity Informatics ( ). This is recorded on the e-Biosphere 09 Post-Conference web site, Online Conference Community,
Concept mapping, sustainability integrating approaches
• I have founded a closed invitational Facebook study group for my students and close colleagues for Concept maps and CmapTools in all the main phases of research process,!/group.php?gid=114722088584861
• CMC2008 in Finland and Estonia: the 3rd International Conference on Concept Mapping, Tallinn, Estonia and Helsinki, Finland Sept. 22-25, 2008,
• FORUM: Science and Innovation for Sustainable Development was earlier maintained by Harvard University. The server of Forum of science and technology for sustainable development is from April 2006 moved to The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). My page there is:
• A central part of my theories is continual integration: Integration is the eight form of Innovation according to Sternberg, R., Pretz, J. & Kaufman, J. (2003) Types of innovation. In Shavina, L. (Ed.) The international Handbook of Innovation. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 158 – 169. The Australian National University keeps a global register of people working in the field of Integration and Implementation Sciences. I am one of them:
Biological Education
• My blog on Helsinki University site:
• June 15 – 28, 2006, I was invited as an external evaluator of Biology teacher education in Mauritius by Mauritius Institute of Education
• I chaired the first European e-conference of Biodiversity education (Youth and biodiversity) 25th September- 13th October 2006as part of Actions for the 2010 biodiversity target in Europe: How does research contribute to halting biodiversity loss? E-Conference 25th September- 13th October 2006.
• During 1989 - Spring 2004 I had a course of Education for Sustainable Development (in Finnish). Its web pages are still usefull
• An integrating approach to environmental learning to promote Education for Sustainable Development. A Summer Seminar of Environmental Education for Teachers, Rimini (Italy), arranged by University of Genoa, Italy, 1999. Later on Dr. Patrick Dillon joined me a the second author:
• My Finnish site to promote Education for Sustainable Development (ecodidactics, ecopedagogy) as a part of Teacher Education:
• Åhlberg, M. 2001. Concept mapping as a research method. This is from 2004 been in the fee-based area in the Methodix (a network environment for scientific and applied research, methods and their study), .
• Åhlberg, M. 2002. Käsitekartat tutkimusmenetelmänä - internet-osoitteessa:
• My cooperation with University of Genoa (Italy) is also in Internet: