Python Code -trials

Program for determining the visible aurora in Finland

# Asks for the Location of the Weather station in LOCATION (FMI, Finland)
#   Downloads the fmi-page and using string search finds the cloudiness
#   0/8-8/8. 8/8 is completely cloudy = 100%.
#   It also gets the temperature and the sunset & sunrise times
#   Local time is retrived as well from the OS.
#   The main executes and starts an eternal loop that calls the function
#   AnyAurora at time intervals. There are three locations, that are altered
#   for the weather data.

# -*- coding: cp1252 -*-
# We need modules outside the standard library, import those

import urllib2, time

def ReadNOAA():
    # Opens the web file and returns the contents as a string
    try: response = urllib2.urlopen('')
        print "Probem reading the NOAA wwv file"
        return False, ""
    html =
    return True, html

def ParseK(html):
    # Parses the k index from the given string html         
    alku= html.find("K-index")
    if alku < 1:
        return -1
    # If we found it, find the next full stop, k-index is right before it, make it into an integer
    paikka = html.find(".",alku)
    k = int(html[paikka-1])
    return k

def ReadFMIPage(Location):
    # reads the weather page, returns a string in variable html
    try: response = urllib2.urlopen('' + Location + '/')
        print "Problem reading the FMI data for " + Location
        return False, ""
    html =
    return True, html

def Cloudiness(html):
    # Finds the cloudiness index from the weather page text string (html)
    alku= html.find("/8")
    if alku < 1:
        print "Failed to read the cloudiness in the weather data"
        return -1
    cloudiness = html[alku-1:alku+2]
    print "Cloudiness " + str(float(cloudiness[0])/8*100) + "%"
    c = int(cloudiness[0])
    return c

def Temperature(html):
    # Looks for temperature i.e. "Lämpötila" in the string (html)
    alku = html.find('L&auml;mp&ouml;tila')
    alku = html.find('&nbsp;&deg;',alku)      # search for "deg", the temperature number ends there
    apustring = html[alku-6:alku]             # take a copy of a substring
    apustring = apustring.replace(",",".",1)  # Replace the comma with dot, decimal
    alku2 = apustring.find(">")               # temperature is preceded by a ">"
    Temp = float(apustring[alku2+1:alku-1])   # convert the substring with the number to a float
    print "Temperature is " + str(Temp) + "C" # Let the user know of the temp
    return Temp

def Sun(html):
    # looks for sunrise, sunset and local time
    alku = html.find("Auringonnousu")         # The page has the sunrise time "Auringonnousu"
    apustring = html[alku:alku+50]
    alku1 = apustring.find(":")
    if apustring[alku1-2] == "1" :
           print apustring[alku1-2:alku1+3] + " Sunrise" #
           print apustring[alku1-1:alku1+3] + " Sunrise" #
    alku = html.find("Auringonlasku")
    apustring = html[alku:alku+50]
    alku1 = apustring.find(":")
    print apustring[alku1-2:alku1+3] + " SunSet"  # We assume that sunset is always between 10:00 ... 23:59
    print str(time.localtime(time.time()).tm_hour) + ":" + '{:02d}'.format((time.localtime(time.time()).tm_min)) + " Your Time Now"
    if int(time.localtime(time.time()).tm_hour) > int(apustring[alku1-2:alku1]) :
        print "Ok time"
        status = True
    if int(time.localtime(time.time()).tm_hour) <= int(apustring[alku1-2:alku1]) :
        print "Not Ok time"
        status = False
    return status
def AnyAurora(Location):
    # Main function for location Location.         
    print "...checking aurora for ", Location
    # Open the NOAA 3-hour wwv file, get the text in string variable html
    Success, html = ReadNOAA()
    if Success == False:
       return "NOAA failed"
    k  = ParseK(html)
    if k > 5:
        print "K of " + str(k) + " is High enough"
        print "K of " + str(k) + " is too low"
    Success, html = ReadFMIPage(Location)
    if Success == False:
       return "FMI failed"

    c = Cloudiness(html)
    temp = Temperature(html)
    sunstatus = Sun(html)
    if sunstatus == True and k > 5:
        return True # Any Aurora Function stops here
        return False

def main():
  import time, winsound
  from datetime import date
  time_delta = 5 # interval in seconds
  i = -1
  Location = ["Porvoo", "Rovaniemi", "Vaasa"]  # Places that we are interested in
  while True:  # Eternal loop
    i = i + 1
    end_time = time.time() + time_delta
    while time.time() < end_time:
    if in range(1,7):
        print str(AnyAurora(Location[i % 3])) + " for " + Location[i % 3]
        print ""
