Rem 2006 ALTM 3100 data Type LidarRecord GPSTime As Double PulseCount As Byte Returns(1 To 4) As point3D Intensity(1 To 4) As Integer Range(1 To 4) As Double angle As Double Roll As Double Pitch As Double Heading As Double Poslidar As point3D StripNum As Integer ' does not vary? SyncBit As Byte ' not used Res1 As Byte ' not used Res2 As Byte ' not used Res3 As Byte ' not used End Type Rem Coordinates of the 1-ha BIN file for point Xs, Ys FN1 = Format$(Int((Xs - 2510000) / 100), "000") FN2 = Format$(Int((Ys - 6850000) / 100), "000")