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Metapopulation Ecology and Evolution


 a short (1 credit) course at the Eötvös University, Budapest

September 2001

(lectures in Hungarian)



Place: Department of Genetics

Time: 7x2 hours, 13-14 and 17-21 September, 16:15-18:00

Literature used




I. Metapopulation ecology

Presence or absence: The Levins metapopulation model
Spatial structure and the incidence function model
When is a metapopulation viable?
Granville fritillary, the best known metapopulation

Dynamics of coupled populations: Source-sink systems, stability and chaos
Structured metapopulations: Alternative equilibria and the rescue effect


II. Metapopulation evolution

Evolutionarily stable strategies and polymorphisms
Generalists and specialists; adaptive plasticity

Risk spreading and the evolution of dispersal. Dispersal polymorphisms
Density-dependent dispersal
Dispersal in stable environments: Kin competition

Coevolutionary patterns. Dispersal and dormancy as alternative means for
risk spreading. Dispersal and life history evolution: On colonizer syndromes.
Dispersal versus local adaptation


III. Metapopulations and conservation biology: An outlook