new; /* ** gauss program for computing Saikkonen's test for normalization ** Written by Antti Ripatti, 15 Nov 1996 (email: ** See also ** ** DISCLAIMER! ** This code is initially written for own research purposes. ** It is then submitted for public, non-commercial use. ** There are no performance guarantees. ** Please acknowledge this code (and its author and the authors of relating ** paper) if you find it useful and use it extensively in your work. ** */ library pgraph; p = 3; /* lag length */ ofile = "norm.out"; r = 2; n = 4; /* computes trace of a matrix */ proc (1) = tr(x); retp(sumc(diag(x))); endp; clearg qtile; qtile = (10.56~12.39~16.39)| (22.95~25.47~30.65)| (39.08~42.20~48.59)| (58.96~62.61~70.22); /* Some general purpose procedures */ /* ADJOBS ** ** Purpose: returns the last nobs rows of the matrix ** ** Format: y = ADJOBS(x,nobs); ** ** Input: x T x K matrix, time serie ** nobs scalar, the desired number of rows of x ** ** Output: y T-nobs x K matrix, where the first T-nobs rows are deleted ** if nobs>T then prints error message and returns scalar -1 ** ** Created: 15.4.96 by AR ** Revised: ** */ proc (1) = AdjObs(x,nobs); local xrows, retvalue; xrows = rows(x); if xrows < nobs; errorlog "Error in calling procedure ADJOBS. Number of rows desired"; errorlog "exceeds the number of rows available. Function returns -1"; retvalue = -1; else; retvalue = x[xrows-nobs+1:xrows,.]; endif; retp(retvalue); endp; proc (1) = ao(x,nobs); retp(adjobs(x,nobs)); endp; /* DIFFE */ /* Calculates first differeces ** >> Adds a miss. value in place of the first observation */ FN diffe(X) = miss(zeros(1,cols(X)),0) | trimr(X,1,0)-trimr(X,0,1); /* loading data file and data labels */ clearg dat, datlab; dat = loadd("igauss"); datlab = getname("igauss"); clearg xt, labs, dxt, xt1, zt, i; xt = dat[.,4 3 11 8]; labs = datlab[4 3 11 8]; dXt = diffe(xt); xt1 = lagn(xt,1); i = 2; zt = lagn(dxt,1); do while i<=(p-1); zt = zt~lagn(dxt,i); i = i+1; endo; zt = packr(zt); clearg nobs; nobs = rows(zt); dxt = ao(dxt,nobs); xt1 = ao(xt1,nobs); const = ones(nobs,1); /* estimation of eq. (4.4) ----------------------- */ clearg selitt, params; selitt = const~xt1~zt; params = inv(selitt'selitt)*selitt'dxt; /* disaggregation of parameter matrix */ clearg nu, pii, gamm, epsilon, omega; nu = params[1,.]'; pii = params[2:5,.]'; gamm = params[6:rows(params),.]'; epsilon = dxt - Selitt*params; omega = moment(epsilon,0)/(nobs-p); output file=^ofile reset; print "FILE: " $ofile " DATE: " datestr(date()) " TIME: " timestr(time()); print "by Antti Ripatti, November 15 1996"; print; print "============================================================================="; print " TESTING NORMALIZATION RESTRICTIONS BY SAIKKONEN (1996)"; print "============================================================================="; print; format /m0 /lD 8,0; print "Variables: " $labs'; print; format /m0 /lD 1,0; print "Lag length in VECM: " p " Cointegration rank: " r; print; print "Number of observations: " nobs; print; output file=^ofile off; /* Testing normalization restrictions using unrestricted estimator of the constant */ proc (0)=TestNorm(c, pii, omega); local alpha_c, omega_z, alpha_c_o, selitt, lambda_W, lambda_LM, lambda_LR, dfkorjaus; alpha_c = pii*c; alpha_c_o = null(alpha_c'); selitt = ones(nobs,1)~zt; omega_z = moment((dxt - selitt*inv(selitt'selitt)*selitt'dxt),0)/(nobs-p); dfkorjaus = (nobs-P-p*N)/(nobs-p); /* computing the test statistics */ lambda_W = dfkorjaus*(nobs-p)*tr(inv(alpha_c_o'omega*alpha_c_o)*(alpha_c_o'omega_z*alpha_c_o - alpha_c_o'omega*alpha_c_o)); lambda_LM = dfkorjaus*(nobs-p)*tr(inv(alpha_c_o'omega_z*alpha_c_o)*(alpha_c_o'omega_z*alpha_c_o - alpha_c_o'omega*alpha_c_o)); lambda_LR = dfkorjaus*(nobs-p)*(ln(det(alpha_c_o'omega_z*alpha_c_o))-ln(det(alpha_c_o'omega*alpha_c_o))); /* printout of the results */ output file=^ofile on; print; format /m1 /rd 12,6; print "Unrestricted constant_____________________________"; print "Lagrange multiplier test statistic : " lambda_LM ; print "Likelihood ratio test statistic : " lambda_LR ; print "Wald test statistic : " lambda_W ; print "Quantiles from Table 1 by Reinsel and Ahn (1992):"; print " 50 % 95 % 99 % "; print " 9.41 17.97 22.79"; print; print; output file=^ofile off; endp; /* testing normalization restrictions using GLS estimator of the constant */ clearg Xlags; Xlags = lagn(xt,1); i = 2; do while i<=p; Xlags = Xlags~lagn(xt,i); i = i+1; endo; Xlags = packr(Xlags); Xlags = ao(Xlags,nobs); xt = ao(xt, nobs); clearg selitt; Selitt = ones(rows(Xlags),1)~Xlags; Btilde = inv(selitt'selitt)*selitt'xt; Btilde = Btilde[2:rows(Btilde),.]; clearg dt, Ct, tmpB, tmpXlags, mtilde, tmp1, tmp2, i, invomega; dt = xt - Xlags*Btilde; Ct = eye(n); i = 2; do while i<=nobs; if i<=p+1; Ct = Ct|(Ct[n*(i-2)+1:n*(i-1),.] - Btilde[n*(i-2)+1:n*(i-1),.]'); else; Ct = Ct|(Ct[n*(i-2)+1:n*(i-1),.]); endif; i = i+1; endo; invomega = inv(omega); i = 1; tmp1 = zeros(n,n); tmp2 = zeros(n,1); do while i < nobs; tmp1 = tmp1 + Ct[n*(i-1)+1:n*i,.]'invomega*Ct[n*(i-1)+1:n*i,.]; tmp2 = tmp2 + Ct[n*(i-1)+1:n*i,.]'invomega*dt[i,.]'; i = i + 1; endo; mtilde = inv(tmp1)*tmp2; output file=^ofile on; format /m1 /rd 12,6; print; print "GLS estimate of the constant ~m:" mtilde; print; output file=^ofile off; selitt = (xt1-ones(nobs,n)*mtilde)~zt; params = inv(selitt'selitt)*selitt'dxt; clearg piihat, gammhat, epsilonhat, omegahat; nu = params[1,.]'; piihat = params[1:4,.]'; gammhat = params[5:rows(params),.]'; epsilonhat = dxt - Selitt*params; omegahat = moment(epsilonhat,0)/(nobs-p); proc (0)=TestNormGLS(c, piihat, omegahat); local alpha_c, omega_z, alpha_c_o, selitt, lambda_W, lambda_LM, lambda_LR, dfkorjaus; alpha_c = piihat*c; alpha_c_o = null(alpha_c'); selitt = zt; omega_z = moment((dxt - selitt*inv(selitt'selitt)*selitt'dxt),0)/(nobs-p); dfkorjaus = (nobs-P-p*N)/(nobs-p); /* computing the test statistics */ lambda_W = dfkorjaus*(nobs-p)*tr(inv(alpha_c_o'omegahat*alpha_c_o)*(alpha_c_o'omega_z*alpha_c_o - alpha_c_o'omegahat*alpha_c_o)); lambda_LM = dfkorjaus*(nobs-p)*tr(inv(alpha_c_o'omega_z*alpha_c_o)*(alpha_c_o'omega_z*alpha_c_o - alpha_c_o'omegahat*alpha_c_o)); lambda_LR = dfkorjaus*(nobs-p)*(ln(det(alpha_c_o'omega_z*alpha_c_o))-ln(det(alpha_c_o'omegahat*alpha_c_o))); /* printout of the results */ output file=^ofile on; format /m1 /rd 12,6; print "Constant estimated using GLS______________________"; print "Lagrange multiplier test statistic : " lambda_LM ; print "Likelihood ratio test statistic : " lambda_LR ; print "Wald test statistic : " lambda_W ; print "Quantiles from Table 15.1 by Johansen (1995):"; print " 50 % 95 % 99 % "; print " 5.47 12.21 16.16"; print; print; output file=^ofile off; endp; /* normalization matrix c */ clearg c; c = zeros(n,r); c[1,1] = 1; i = 1; do while i<= n; j = 1; c[i,1] = 1; do while j<= n; c[j,2] = 1; output file=^ofile on; print "The normalization matrix c"; format /m1 /rD 4,0; print c; output file=^ofile off; TestNorm(c,pii,omega); TestNormGLS(c,piihat,omegahat); c[j,2] = 0; j = j+1; endo; c[i,1] = 0; i = i+1; endo; output file=^ofile on; print "Pervert c matrix"; c = zeros(n,r); output file=^ofile off; TestNorm(c,pii,omega); TestNormGLS(c,piihat,omegahat); end;