Helsinki Macroeconomics Research Away Day

Helsinki Macroeconomics Research Away Day (HMRAD) is a workshop organized jointly by Research Unit of the Bank of Finland and the Macroeconomics group of Helsinki GSE. The idea is to get together macroeconomics (in a broad sense) researchers in Helsinki outside their office buildings while still avoid traveling.

The next HMRAD will be held on Wednesday June 5, 2024, 9.30 - 16.00 in University of Helsinki Main Building Unioninkatu 34 (by the Senate Square), 3rd floor, room U3039


9.30Fabio VeronaMonetary policy rules: model uncertainty meets design limits
10.30Timm PreinSovereign Risk Under Diagnostic Expectations
11.45Vesa-Matti Heikkuri
The effect of ageing on economic growth in the presence of cohort differences
Lunch break
Fennia kortteli food court (suggested),
13.45Eero MäkynenEarnings Dynamics with On-the-job Learning
14.45Markus Haavio
Countercyclical credit market tightness and macroprudential regulation
16.00Beer timeThirsty Scholar?

Previous research away days

9 June 2023


  9.15       Peter Elmgren            Industry Growth and Displacement Costs
10.15       Jaakko Nelimarkka   Macroeconomic and Financial Market Implications of Credit Easing Policies


11.30       Niku Määttänen        Informational Constraints and Intergenerational Mobility of Education

                Lunch break   

13.45        Michaela Elfsbacka-Schmöller    The Cycle is the Trend: Firm-level Evidence on Hysteresis Effects in TFP
14.45        Oskari Vähämaa       Uncertainty, Misallocation and the Life-cycle Growth of Firms


16.00    Martin Ellison               The Economic Impact of Recession Announcements

The next HMRAD will be held on Monday October 24 2016, 10.00 - 16.00, in Helsinki University Observatory, Argelandander Hall. Address is Kopernikuksentie 1, Helsinki.


10.00    Fabio Verona: Forecasting the Equity Premium with Frequency Decomposed Predictorss
              joint with
10.50    Marlène Isoré: An extensive margin of financial accelerator: Assessing search frictions on the credit market
             joint with Thomas Brand (CEPREMAP) and Fabien Tripier (University of Lille and CEPII)

11.40    LUNCH

13.00    Allan Seuri: Outdated predictions and US monetary policy
13.40    Aino Silvo: House prices, lending standards, and the macroeconomy

14.30    Coffee break

15.00    Paolo Fornaro: Job Creation and the Role of Dependencies
             joint with Henri Luomaranta
15.50    Seminar ends