
Univ. of Helsinki. Teaching assistant. Dept. of Physics.

01.09.1954 - 30.04.1965

  Docent of theoretical physics


Academy of Finland. Junior Researcher.

01.05.1965 - 30.03.1969

Univ. of Helsinki. Associate professor. Solid State Physics.

31.03.1969 - 31.12.1972

Univ. of Helsinki. Professor. Physics for Teacher Education.

01.01.1973 - 31.01.1998

  Head of the Department of Physics .

1984 - 88

  Professor emeritus

01.02.1998 -

Administration of Offices:

University of Helsinki

Associate professor. Physics

01.09. - 30.11.1959, 01.09. - 31.12.1962

Associate professor. Theoretical Physics

01.09.1963 - 30.06.1964

Professor. Theoretical Physics

01.01. - 31.07.1965

Professor. Physics

11.05. - 31.12.1968

Professor. Electronics and Methods of Measurement

01.02. - 30.06.1970, 01.09.1971 - 31.08.1972

Professor. Applied Physics

01.09. - 31.12.1972

University of Oulu

Professor. Theoretical Physics

01.07. - 31.12.1964

The International Union of Crystallography IUCr:

Commission on Charge Spin and Momentum Density


1972 - 78


1978 - 81

General Secretary and Treasurer

1981 - 87

Logo Committee, chairman

1987 - 88

Statutes Committee, member

1993 - 94

Finnish National Committee of Crystallography


1973 -

vice chairman

1973 - 77


1978 - 82, 88 - 98

Scientific Journals:

Arkhimedes. Journal of the Finnish Physical and
Mathematical Societies

physics editor

1970 - 87

Physica Fennica.


1974 - 76

Physica Scripta.

editorial board

1976 - 77

European Journal of Physics.

Editorial Board, Executive Board

1979 - 83


Dimensio. Journal of the Finnish Association of Teachers
of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Informatics.

advisory committee

1985 -

Societies, committees etc.:

Finnish Physical Society

vice president

1963 - 64


1965 - 66

Finnish Academy. State Committee of Science.

Division of Mathematics and Physics, chairman

1970 - 73

State committee of Particle Physics

1970 - 74

Curriculum Committee for Secondary School Physics


1976 - 81

Committee of scientific and technological co-operation
between Finland and Soviet Physics Working Groups

1974 - 83

Graduate school in mathematics, physics and chemistry education.


1995 - 98

The Finnish Committee of International Standards and Units of Measurement


1973   2002, 2005 - 2015

vice chairman

1993 - 2002