Howard Sklar, PhD

University Lecturer

Department of Modern Languages (English Philology)

University of Helsinki


Title of Docent in Literary Studies, with a Special Emphasis in Narrative Theory (University of Tampere)




Howard Sklar, PhD, Docent




January 27, 2015

Title of Docent (Adjunct Professor) in Literary Studies, with a Special Emphasis in Narrative Theory

University of Tampere


November 25, 2008


University of Helsinki, English Philology

Dissertation title:  The Art of Sympathy:  Forms of Moral and Emotional Persuasion in Fiction


May 1996

Master of Arts (Jewish Studies)

Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California

[Päätös ulkomailla suoritetun korkeakoulututkinnon rinnastamisesta Suomessa suoritettavaan korkeakoulututkintoon (Master of Arts degree), Opetushallitus, Helsinki, Finland, 2000]



California Clear Single Subject Teaching Credential (Authorized Subject: English)

California State University, Los Angeles

Preliminary Credential: 1987; Clear Credential: 1992; Last Renewed: 2007

Clear Crosscultural Language and Academic Development (CLAD) Certificate: 1997

[Päätös opinnoista vieraskielisen opetuksen antamiseen, Opetushallitus, Helsinki, Finland, 2001]


March 1986

Bachelor of Arts (English Language and Literature)

University of California at Los Angeles




August 2013 -

University Lecturer

Department of Languages (formerly Department of Modern Languages)

English Philology Unit

University of Helsinki


September 2011-August 2013

Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher

Home Department: Department of Modern Languages (English Philology Unit)

University of Helsinki


Spring 2013

Instructor (in connection with research assignment)

Advanced Option Course: “Fiction, Ethics and the Significance of Reading”

Department of Modern Languages (English Philology Unit)

University of Helsinki


Spring 2012

Instructor (in connection with research assignment)

Advanced Option Course: “Reading Other Minds”

Department of Modern Languages (English Philology Unit)

University of Helsinki


Spring 2011

Hourly Instructor

Intermediate/Advanced-Level Course: “Fiction, Ethics and the Significance of Reading”

Department of Comparative Literature

University of Helsinki


Spring 2010

Hourly Instructor

Intermediate/Advanced-Level Course: “Disability Studies and Literature”

Department of Comparative Literature

University of Helsinki


Fall 2009

Hourly Instructor

Intermediate/Advanced-Level Course: “Fiction and the Emotions”

Department of English/Department of Comparative Literature

University of Helsinki


Spring 2009

Hourly Instructor

Intermediate/Advanced-Level Course: “Fiction, Ethics and the Significance of Reading”

Department of English/Department of Comparative Literature

University of Helsinki


Fall 2006

Hourly Instructor

Intermediate/Advanced-Level Course: “Fiction, Ethics and the Significance of Reading”

Department of English/Department of Comparative Literature/Department of Aesthetics

University of Helsinki




August 2001 – 2011

(academic leave: August 2007–August 2008; Sept. 2011-Aug. 2013)

Subject Teacher (English)

Bilingual Program

Kuitinmäen koulu (yläaste/junior high school)

Espoo, Finland


August 1997 – June 2005

Classroom Teacher

Bilingual Program

Tähtiniityn koulu (primary school)

Espoo, Finland



PUBLICATIONS (last updated: April 2021)


(2020) “‘What’s the Matter with Him?’ Intellectual Disability, Jewishness, and Stereotype in Bernard Malamud’s ‘Idiots First’”  Alice Hall, ed. Routledge Companion to Literature and Disability. London: Routledge. 142-155.  Link


(2019, co-authored by Merja Polvinen) “Mimetic and Synthetic Views of Characters: How Readers Process ‘People’ in Fiction.” Cogent Arts & Humanities 6.  Link


(2019) Review of The Social Meaning of Mental Retardation: Two Life Stories, by Robert Bogdan and Steven J. Taylor (1982). In G. Thomas Couser and Susannah B. Mintz, eds. Disability Experiences: Memoirs, Autobiographies, and Other Personal Narratives, Vol. 1. Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan Reference USA. 702-705.  Link


(2018) “Failure of Catharsis. The Reconstruction of Joseph’s Moral Intent in Two Post-Biblical Narratives.”  DIEGESIS. Interdisciplinary E-Journal for Narrative Research / Interdisziplinäres E-Journal für Erzählforschung 7.2 (2018). 111-138.  Link


(2018) “‘Memoir’ as Counter-Narrative: Reimagining the Self in Roth’s The Plot Against America.” Akademisk Kvarter/Academic Quarter 17 (Aalborg University, Denmark).  Link


(2018) “Empathy’s Neglected Cousin: How Narratives Shape Our Sympathy.” In Donald R. Wehrs and Thomas Blake, eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Affect Studies and Textual Criticism. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 451-480.


(2017) Co-editor (with Merja Polvinen and Maria Salenius), Mielikuvituksen maailmat: Tieteidenvälisiä tutkimuksia kirjallisuudesta / Fantasins världar: Tvärvetenskaplig litteraturforskning / Worlds of Imagination: Explorations in Interdisciplinary Literary Research. Essays in Honor of Prof. Bo Pettersson.


(2017) “Introduction: On the Importance of Ethics in Imagining Fictional Worlds.” In Merja Polvinen, Maria Salenius and Howard Sklar, eds. Mielikuvituksen maailmat: Tieteidenvälisiä tutkimuksia kirjallisuudesta / Fantasins världar: Tvärvetenskaplig litteraturforskning / Worlds of Imagination: Explorations in Interdisciplinary Literary Research. Essays in Honor of Prof. Bo Pettersson. 241-248.


(2017, co-authored by Irma Taavitsainen) “A  Modest  Proposal  in  The  Gentleman's  Magazine: Making Sense  of  a  Peculiar 18th-Century Advertisement.” In Minna Palander-Collin, Irma Taavitsainen and Maura Ratia, eds. Diachronic Developments in English News Discourse.  Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.  “Advances in Historical Sociolinguistics” series.


(2015) “Reading Other Minds: Ethical Considerations on the Representation of Intellectual Disability in Fiction.” In Tom Shakespeare, ed. Disability Research Today: International Perspectives. London: Routledge.


(2013) “The Many Voices of Charlie Gordon: On the Representation of Intellectual Disability in Daniel Keyes’s Flowers for Algernon.” In Kathryn Allan, ed. Disability in Science Fiction: Representations of Technology as Cure. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 47-59 (13 pages).


(2013) “Anything But a Simpleton”: The Ethics of Representing Intellectual Disability in Tarjei Vesaas’s The Birds. In Jeremy Hawthorn and Jakob Lothe, eds. Narrative Ethics. New York: Rodopi. Value Inquiry Book Series.  167-180 (14 pages).


(2013) “‘I am the Whole Dream of These Things’: Exploring Self and Other through Literature in the EFL Classroom.” In Jukka Tyrkkö, Olga Timofeeva and Maria Salenius, eds.  Ex Philologia Lux: Essays in Honour of Leena Kahlas-Tarkka.  Helsinki: Société Néophilologique. 463-74 (12 pages).


(2013) The Art of Sympathy in Fiction: Forms of Ethical and Emotional Persuasion.  Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.  “Linguistic Approaches to Literature” series.


(2012) “Narrative Empowerment through Comics Storytelling: Facilitating the Life Stories of the Intellectually Disabled.” Storyworlds: A Journal of Narrative StudiesLink to article (requires subscription).  Link to journal homepage.


(2011) “‘What the Hell Happened to Maggie?’: Stereotype, Sympathy, and Disability in Toni Morrison’s ‘Recitatif’”.  Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies 5.2: 137-154.  Special issue, “Representing Disability and Emotion.”  Link (requires subscription).


(2009, refereed journal article) “Narrative Structuring of Sympathetic Response: Theoretical and Empirical Approaches to Toni Cade Bambara’s ‘The Hammer Man.’” Poetics Today 30:3Link (requires subscription)


(2009, edited book chapter) “Breaking Bread: The Sympathetic Effects of Sharing Food in The Grapes of Wrath.” In Michael Meyer, ed. The Grapes of Wrath: A Re-Consideration. Amsterdam/ New York: Rodopi.  Link to publisher’s description of book.


(2009) Editor, Helsinki English Studies 5 (online journal of the Department of English, University of Helsinki).  Special issue:  “Emotions: Implications for Literary, Linguistic and Translation Studies”.  Link to special issue/journal home.


(2009) “Introduction.”  Helsinki English Studies 5.  Special issue: “Emotions: Implications for Literary, Linguistic and Translation Studies”.  Link


(2009, edited journal article) “Believable Fictions: On the Nature of Emotional Responses to Fictional Characters.”  Helsinki English Studies 5.  Special Issue: “Emotions: Implications for Literary, Linguistic and Translation Studies.”  Link


(2009) Lectio praecursoria (published version of introductory lecture from doctoral defense). Helsinki English Studies 5.  Special Issue: “Emotions: Implications for Literary, Linguistic and Translation Studies.”  Link


(2008) The Art of Sympathy: Forms of Moral and Emotional Persuasion in Fiction.  PhD Dissertation (limited printing, available through Finnish library system).  Link to abstract (in Finnish and English).  (Revised version of manuscript under review with European academic publisher.)


(2008, refereed journal article) “Narrative as Experience: The Pedagogical Implications of Sympathizing with Fictional Characters.”  Partial Answers 6:2.  Link to abstract/article (subscription required for article).


(2008, refereed journal article) “Sympathy as Self-Discovery: The Significance of Caring for Others in “Betrayals.” Paradoxa: World Literary Genres (special issue on Ursula K. Le Guin).  Link to journal website.


(2007, edited journal review) “Reimagining the Teaching of Secondary English.” Review of Jim Burke, The English Teacher’s Companion: A Complete Guide to Classroom, Curriculum, and the Profession. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2003.   Pedagogy 7:2.  Link


(2005, edited book chapter) “Believable Fictions: The Moral Implications of Story-Based Emotions.” In Harri Veivo, Bo Pettersson, and Merja Polvinen, eds. Cognition and Literary Interpretation in Practice. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press.  Link to publisher’s description of book.


RECENT CONFERENCE AND SEMINAR PRESENTATIONS (last updated...long ago...too many since then)




The 15th Biennial Maple Leaf and Eagle Conference on North American Studies, “North America in the World, and the World in North America”

University of Helsinki, Finland

Presentation: “There’s Other Ways to End This Story”: El Pachuco as Counter-Narrator in Luis Valdez’s Zoot Suit


KTS (Kirjallisuudentutkijain seura/Finnish Literary Research Society) Annual Seminar: “Myytti, uskonto, kirjallisuus” (“Myth, Religion, Literature”)

University of Helsinki, Finland

Presentation: Narrative Progression, Expectation and Uncertainty in the Biblical Story of Joseph


International Conference on Narrative 2014, International Society for the Study of Narrative

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA, United States

Presentation: “There’s Other Ways to End This Story”: El Pachuco as Counter-Narrator in Luis Valdez’s Zoot Suit




Future Directions in Cognitive Linguistics and Literary Studies

University of Helsinki, Finland

Paper: Reading Other Minds: Ethical Considerations on the Representation of Intellectual Disability in Fiction


International Conference on Narrative 2013, International Society for the Study of Narrative

Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK

Paper: Sympathy, Ethics and the Representation of Intellectual Disability in Malamud’s “Idiots First”


NNDR2013-Turku: Conference in Disability Research, Nordic Network for Disability Research

Turku, Finland

Paper: Reading Other Minds: Ethical Considerations on the Representation of Intellectual Disability in Fiction


Narrative Minds and Virtual Worlds

University of Tampere, Finland

Paper: Reading Other Minds: Ethical Considerations on the Representation of Intellectual Disability in Fiction




Literature and Media, Media as Literature: An Interdisciplinary Workshop, University of Tampere, Finland

Paper: “Forrest Gump as an Intermedial Phenomenon: The Influence of the Film in Shaping Responses to the Novel (and What Both Representations Say about People with Intellectual Disabilities)


Narration and Narratives as an Interdisciplinary Field of Study, Nordic Network of Narrative Studies, Örebro University, Sweden, 2012

Presentation: The Uses and Abuses of Narrative Coherence: Ethical Issues in the Construction of the Life Stories of People with Intellectual Disabilities


ESA (European Sociological Network) 20 Midterm Conference, University of Lund, Sweden, 2012

Presentation: The Uses and Abuses of Narrative Coherence: Ethical Issues in the Construction of the Life Stories of People with Intellectual Disabilities


Narrative Matters 2012: Life and Narrative, American University of Paris, France, 2012

Presentation: The Uses and Abuses of Narrative Coherence: Ethical Issues in the Construction of the Life Stories of the Intellectually Disabled


The 14th Maple Leaf and Eagle Conference, University of Helsinki, Finland, 2012

Presentation: “The Way a Bear Drags His Paws”: Steinbeck's Western Naturalism in the Representation of Intellectual Disability


International Society for the Study of Narrative Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2012

Presentation: The Many Voices of Charlie Gordon: On the Representation of Intellectual Disability in Daniel Keyes’s Flowers for Algernon




Top Research Morning

University of Helsinki

Helsinki, Finland

Presentation: “Applying for Academy Postdoc Funding: Some Practical Suggestions”


Otherness, Subjectivity and Representation

Åbo/Turku, Finland

Åbo Akademi

Presentation: “‘Hush, Benjy’: Voice, Silence and the Ethics of Representing Intellectual Disability in Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury


Teaching Narrative and Teaching Through Narrative

Tampere, Finland

Nordic Network of Narrative Studies

Presentation: “‘I Done a Bad Thing’: The Representation of Intellectual Disability in Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men and Its Ethical and Practical Implications for Secondary School Teaching”


VAKKI XXXI Symposium (“Language and Ethics”)

Vaasa, Finland

Presentation: “‘Hush, Benjy’: Voice, Silence and the Ethics of Representing Intellectual Disability in Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury


Paper: “The Clothes Make the Man: Fantastic Empathy and Realistic Sympathy in Roth’s ‘Eli, the Fanatic’”


International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature and Media Conference

Utrecht, The Netherlands

Paper/Presentation: “Representing Intellectual Disability: Theoretical and Empirical Investigations of the Effects of Fictional and Autobiographical Narratives Representing the Intellectually Disabled on Non-Disabled Adolescent Readers”