Information Society

The development of wider, more complex information networks, with more and more direct connections have lead to faster and better intercession of information throughout the world. (...)

The Social Network

Society, understood as a social network, is a structure of nodes tied to each other by specific modes of interdependency. It is important to note, that according to the social network analysis (...)

The Legal Code and the State Ruled by Law

What is the code layer of governance? Or of the legal system? In fact, aren't the processes and the system of legislation the code layer of the governance? In a state ruled by law, the social activity follows the word of law. Of course, there may be case laws, and the arbitrary decisions of the judges may have some influence, but these are minor affects. In parliamentary, democratic states ruled by law the content of the governance are rules, the budget decisions, and most importantly the law. Law is of huge importance, because it directs the setting of other rules, of budgets etc. As every other activity in a state ruled by law is defined by the law, one could even say that the law is the code of the society. It is one of the main triumphs of the founders of modern state. Think of code Napoleon, or of any other civil code. The functioning of the whole civil society was regulated and organized by one and same civil code.

Now, the law, when set by the parliament, has for its code layer the processes of legislation. These processes, highly dependent on the current law, but also on the political conventions, practices and organizations, are not open to us. They are open enough that we can read about them, and that we have a small, almost inexistant possibility to some day take part in legislation, if we make a successful run in election and/or make a long career in party politics. They are not open in sense that we would know what has happened in a a single process of legislation, or that the process would be open for us to affect it. In fact, it is more and more part of the rhetoric of the politicians to say that the long, expensive and difficult processes of preparation and legislation have already been done and now that we know of the propositions they have resulted it's too late to try and affect them. And it is not opened to us what and when has affected them. Of course, we can check out for the councils that have taken part to the process of legislation. And for the experts used. Surely there are some people that can affect these processes, but it's highly privileged to only very small circle of people.

Opening Up the Code of Society (For a Better Democracy)

Political Rhizome: Open, Equal and Undirected Social-Political Network