Speciation theory

course at the Department of Biosciences,
University of Helsinki

The origin of species is a key question in evolutionary biology. This course will review our current knowledge on speciation including major advances made recently. The lectures will give a combined view of empirical and theoretical research, but will penetrate theory at greater depth by investigating influential models of speciation.

The course is intended for advanced undergraduates and graduate students, who are familiar with the basic models of population genetics. Next to the lectures (2x2 hours / week for half a semester), each student chooses a particular topic (a key point of discussion, an empirical system or a mathematical model) to study in more detail. The results of this study will be written up in an essay. The course language is English.

Time and place

    The next time this course will be given is to be announced with the new Masters Programme of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.

Course code, exam and credits

    Course code: 523119

    The course gives 4 credits (op) upon a written exam based on the lectures (70%) and a take-home essay (30%), evaluated 0-5.


    To enroll, send an email to Eva Kisdi (eva.kisdi [funny character] helsinki.fi). The course can take 15 students.


    Eva Kisdi (Department of Mathematics and Statistics; PhD in Biology, docent of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)

    Office: Kumpula campus, EXACTUM, room A420


    For the exam, only the lecture material is required. Apart from the material assigned for the individual essays, studying the literature is optional.

    Recommended books:

  • Coyne J. A. & H. A. Orr. 2004. Speciation. Sinauer Associates Inc., USA.
  • Gavrilets S. 2004. Fitness landscapes and the origin of species. Princeton University Press.
  • Dieckmann U., M. Doebeli, J.A.J. Metz, & D. Tautz (eds). 2004. Adaptive speciation. Cambridge University Press.

Lecture files

    The slides used in the first part of each lecture will be available in pdf. The second (modelling) parts are developed on the board and unfortunately will not be available in electronic form.