Hannele Niemi :


Hannele Niemi
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FI-00014 Helsingin yliopisto

Opetuksen kehittäminen – Yliopisto-opetuksen kehittämisen kansainvälinen luentotoiminta

“Universities and lifelong learning in Finland”. Seminar on the contribution of the universities to the European labour market, hosted at the Sorbonne by Prime Minister Fillon and the Minister for Higher Education and Research, Valérie Pécresse. 14.12.2007. The University of Sorbonne.

“The Bologna Process and the Teacher Education Curriculum” .Conference on Teacher professional development for the quality and equity of lifelong learning. EU Presidency Conference, 28.9.2007, Lisbon.

“Development of teaching and studies at the University of Helsinki”, Network for the development of teaching in research-intensive universities, 28.7.2007, University of Oxford.

“The Finnish teacher education before after the Bologna process”, 27.3.2007, University of Oslo.

 “Supervision, monitoring and assessment in the doctoral education – a Finnish case”. Bologna Seminar. EUA. Doctoral Programmes in Europe. WG 4: Supervision, Monitoring and Assessment. December 7–9, 2006. Nice, France.

“Quality assurance in teacher education” The ENTEP Meeting September 22, 2006. Finnish EU Presidency Conference. Helsinki, Finland.

“Finnish Virtual University – a partnership model for e-learning in higher education”, July 5, 2006. Finnish EU Presidency e-Learning Conference. Helsinki, Finland.

“The Bologna process and information literacy at the University of Helsinki”. UNICA. The 3rd University librarians’ seminar - Helsinki, May 18–20, 2006.

"Why research-based teaching?", Reserach-based teaching – An International seminar, 25.3.2005, University of Helsinki.

"Evidence-based teacher education – investment for the future", European Testing Conference on Common European Principles for the competences and qualifications of teachers, 22.6., Brussels, The Commission of the European Union.

"Bologna – a top-down and bottom-up process at the University of Helsinki", EAIR FORUM RIGA 2005, 29.8.2005, Riga, Latvia.

"In the front of the Bologna process - Thirty years of research-based teacher education in Finland", The national conference in Hungary – Bologna process in teacher education, 6.10., Budapest, Hungary.

“Good quality teaching supporting students’ welfare”. An invited keynote lecture in the Nordic Student Health Care Conference. 2.9.2004. Student Health Care. Helsinki.


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